Hi Brummie; sorry to hear of your brother's problems at the moment.Everything sounds rather messy for them
Throwing the phone book and barring her from leaving the house was stupid and has unfortunately left him open to the type of action he will now face. It was'nt self defence, but a lack of control that caused him to lash out; where will it lead/what will he throw next time? a fist? a knife? This has to stop now.
You say he has never reported the texting to the family to the police; but although abusive , it is not the same as becoming violent - (did she ?) I can see how her behaviour has led him to become unbalanced and desperate for answers, but it sounds to me like they are both unwilling to face the inevitable.
I wonder what her reason for taunting him is if she occasionally wants to hook back up with him? I'm assuming she's doing all this to hurt him as she has the power over his emotions- but why ? Perhaps she is seeking validation through a string of affairs.Was she always like this?
If it was my brother I would get him into councelling so he could learn to live without her and he can then become the adult in this co-dependant abusive relationship, after all; one of them needs to be. What she does is then up to her
.As for the 'children' , could they not decide where they wanted to live? If their mother's lifestyle dos'nt suit them or hurts them they are old enough to see it and act.
I hope everything works out
I do not know about the sentence the police can hand out- but someone I will not name did get an injunction for a situation similar to this - the police did'nt continue as the charges were dropped- now they do seem more keen to refuse to see a distinction between violence and a 'domestic,
Your brother is lucky to have you Brummie; I hope it all works out in the end for him.The wife does sound a bit of a shrew to put it mildly...